I think the idea of long periods of time set aside to do nothing will always be, for me, just an idea. I often think about how nice it would be to spend an hour or more somewhere quiet, or if not quiet, then somewhere where no one can interupt me. At this particular moment I am actually home alone with the dog, very rare, and here I sit contemplating how nice this is and how any moment now it will end. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the busyness of my life - I love all of it, I just wish I could carve out an hour a day to just go be alone with God somewhere.
Sometimes my quiet time with God is in the kitchen while I'm washing dishes. This actually happens a lot. My husband likes to listen to music all the time and especially when he's in the kitchen, but I prefer no music, no radio, no kids, just the sound of the dish water. I really don't feel like washing the dishes is much of a chore - I find that it's a task I can do without thinking and because of that my mind can go somewhere else. It's the same thing in the shower... I get some of the best ideas while I'm in the shower - so wierd, wish I had a waterproof notepad sometimes.
This afternoon I came home and intended to paint for a couple of hours. I went to my room/studio, turned on a book-on-tape and laid down for a moment to listen to the book. My mistake was leaving my front door open. I rolled over and stared out my door towards the orange tree and rosemary bushes... they needed trimming. Yes, you know it - I got up and got the pruning shears out and went to town. Once I get started it's hard to find a stopping point. I worked until it was too dark to see, and now I'll need to finish this tomorrow afternoon.
I came in to cool off and voila - quiet time blogging. I guess I need to be satisfied with what I get - it's really all very good!!